Massage Therapies

Remedial Massage
Relaxation Massage
Remedial Massage for Kid
Warm Stone Massage
Indian Head Massage
Maternity massage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Remedial plus cupping
Remedial plus dry needling
Remedial Massage + Strapping
Induction massage
Floatation Pod
Hyperbaric Chamber
Massage Therapies
Only remedial massage will be claimable from HICAPS
Alpha Medical Center Kalgoorlie provide the following massage services:

Remedial Massage

30/60/90 mins
Helps to treat muscles that are tight, knotted, tense, damaged, and need more mobility. It also beneficial for problems that affect tendons, ligaments, and fascia. The pressure applied can either be strong and deep or medium to gentle depending on the problem
● Severe sunburn or open wound on problem area
● Varicose veins on problem area
● Fever and cold
● Contagious disease
● Uncontrolled blood pressure

Relaxation Massage

This massage aims to help you to relax, re-energize, and increase blood flow. Targets the most upper layer of muscles involves long, kneading strokes combined with tapping and circular movement. The pressure applied is soft-medium.
●Severe sunburn or open wound on problem area
● Varicose veins on problem area
● Fever and cold
● Contagious disease
● Uncontrolled blood pressure

Remedial Massage (Child)

30 mins
This massage aims for children under 16 years old. Helps to relax, release tension, and treat damaged muscles or tendons. The pressure applied can be either gentle or medium to strong depending on the age of the client and the problem. The parents/guardian need to be in the treatment room.
Severe sunburn or open wound on problem area
● Fever and cold
● Contagious disease
● Uncontrolled blood pressure

Warm Stone Massage

It is a type of relaxing massage therapy that uses smooth, heated stones to apply on specific points on the body while massaging. With the heat and weight of the stones, it enhances the better experience of relaxation to the muscles, allowing the therapists to apply deeper pressure to those areas without causing discomfort.
● Pregnant
● Severe sunburn, open wound, and skin disease
● Autoimmune disease
● Heart disease
● Uncontrolled blood pressure
● Fever and cold
● Contagious disease
● Varicose vein on treated area will be avoided


Send waves of deep relaxation throughout the body with an ancient healing therapy that is as blissful as it is beneficial. Massage the Reflex points on the feet to restore natural energy flow and improve overall health.
● Open wound on the feet
● Foot fracture, unhealed damage tendon
● Active gout on the feet
● Pregnant
● Severe varicose veins
● Cold and fever
● Swollen feet

Indian Head Massage

60 mins
An ancient massage that focuses to release the tension on back, shoulder, neck, and head. Warm oil is used to promote deep relaxations and holistic wellness. Circular massage strokes on the scalp can help to reduce headache, improve hair and scalp condition.
● Severe sunburn or open wound on problem area
● Fever and cold
● Contagious disease
● Uncontrolled blood pressure
● Scalp conditions

Maternity Massage

Aims to alleviate symptoms of discomfort related to pregnancy such as back pain, tight shoulder and neck, reducing swelling in the knees, ankles, feet, and arms. Reduce anxiety and allows Mums-to-be a chance to relax and calm.

Note: This massage is suitable only after the first trimester. Belly pillows are provided during the treatment.

● Be sure you are not experiencing nausea, vomiting, or fatigue before the massage
● Any type of high risk pregnancy
● Severe swelling
● Uncontrolled blood pressure
● Pre-eclampsia
● Deep vein thrombosis
● Cold and fever

Induction Massage

It is a massage technique used when Mums-to-be reach the full term level of pregnancy (37 weeks onward) to prepare your body for onset of labour. The induction points are located by your therapist during the massage and using specific essential oil blends to stimulate the hormones that cause labour.
● Be sure you are not experiencing nausea, vomiting, or fatigue before the massage
● Any type of high risk pregnancy
● Severe swelling
● Uncontrolled blood pressure
● Pre-eclampsia
● Deep vein thrombosis
● Cold and fever


This treatment is designed for those who experienced pain and tenderness around the jaws and ears, difficulty or pain while chewing, locking of the joint and making it difficult to open or close your mouth.

Note: for intra oral massage, please let the therapist know if you have latex allergy
● Cold and fever
● History of dislocated jaw

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

This is a light, skin-stretching massage that helps promote the movement of lymphatic fluid out of the swollen limbs. It has proven benefits for people who have lymphedema or are at risk for developing it, after lymph nodes removal surgery, people with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis.
● Severe / contagious skin issue on treated area
● Heart condition
● Blood clots
● Kidney failure
● Fever

Remedial Plus Cupping

30/60 mins
A remedial massage session followed by cupping technique that helps with muscle pain, inflammation, and blood flow. You will be expected to get dark marks from the cups and could last for a few days.
●Bleeding disorder
● Blood clotting problem
● Skin conditions
● History of epilepsy

Remedial Plus Dry Needling

A session of remedial massage followed by dry needling techniques that can help with stubborn knots, muscle spasm, release trigger points, sprain and strain.
● Needle phobia
● Abnormal bleeding tendency

Remedial Massage + Strapping

It is a process of applying athletic tape to a specific area of the body in order to maintain joints, muscle and bone stability during physical activity. It aims to mimic the human skin's elasticity in order to provide support without completely restricting the movement and also helps to facilities improved joint and muscle movement.
● Open wound
● Skin infection
● Active cancer
● Kidney disease
● Congestive heart failure
● Deep vein thrombosis
● Caution includes sensitive skin, and people who are prone to have skin allergies,
individuals with compromised skin such as infants, elderly, and pregnant patients
(particularly in the last trimester)

Floatation Pod

Our Floatation Pod offers a unique form of relaxation and recovery. This sensory deprivation tank is filled with saltwater, allowing you to float effortlessly. It's designed to reduce stress, enhance recovery, and improve overall wellbeing by creating a tranquil environment free from external stimuli.
● Open wounds or severe skin issues
● Uncontrolled epilepsy or severe medical conditions
● Infectious or contagious diseases
● Intense claustrophobia
● Influence of alcohol/drugs
● Recent hair dye or spray tans
● Pregnancy (consult healthcare provider)

Hyperbaric Chamber

Our Hyperbaric Chamber therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurised room or chamber. It's used for a variety of treatments, from promoting healing of wound infections to treating decompression sickness. This therapy enhances the body's natural healing processes by inhalation of 100% oxygen in a total body chamber.
● Claustrophobia
● Ear, sinus, or respiratory infections
● Certain lung conditions (e.g., untreated pneumothorax)
● High fever or unstable conditions
● Recent ear surgery or trauma
● Pregnancy (consult healthcare provider)
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