
Communication to the General Practitioner:

For medical advice, please contact reception at 9092 6800 or email. Expect a response within 2-3 business days for non-urgent issues, or within the same day for urgent matters. Urgency and nature of calls are assessed for immediate transfer or message taking. Non-urgent patient
calls should not disrupt ongoing consultations.

Communication with Patients by Electronic Means

Be aware of the risks in electronic communication, including potential privacy breaches. Urgent matters should not rely on electronic messages due to possible delays in response.

Notification of Patient Results:

For test results, contact us within 2-3 days. Reception staff will confirm your identity and provide the doctor's comments on the result. Test results are not given over the phone.

Patient Feedback:

We welcome feedback on our services. Please talk to our clinical or administrative staff or contact HaDSCO at (08) 6551 7600 or 1800 813 583 for concerns.

Communication/Language Barriers:

If you need communication assistance, inform reception when booking. We provide services through the National Relay Service (NRS) and Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) Doctors Priority Line.

Reminder System:

Our practice offers a reminder system for preventative healthcare. Register to receive relevant healthcare reminders.

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